Arm lift

Boost your confidence and flaunt your shapely arms with our arm lift procedure. Designed to address sagging and reshape upper arm contours, this transformative treatment ensures that every wave, embrace and gesture shows off the best version of you. Celebrate the form that reflects your inner strength and vitality.

Fast facts
96% Worth it rating
based on 197 reviews
50% cheaper in Turkey comparing the USA and Western Europe
Approximate Length of Stay
1-2 weeks
Operation Duration
1-2 hours
Approximate Recovery
Few months

An Arm Lift, medically known as a "Brachioplasty", is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the upper arms, resulting in a more toned and contoured appearance. The procedure is often sought by individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, aging, or sagging due to heredity, which has led to the "batwing" appearance of the upper arms. By tightening the underlying supportive tissue and reshaping the contours of the upper arm, an Arm Lift aims to provide a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing look.

Pros of an Arm Lift (Brachioplasty):

  • Improved Aesthetics: Achieves a more toned and contoured upper arm appearance, getting rid of the "batwing" or sagging skin.

  • Boosted Confidence: By enhancing the arm's appearance, many patients feel more confident wearing sleeveless or short-sleeved clothing.

  • Permanent Removal of Excess Skin: Unlike some treatments that offer temporary solutions, an arm lift provides a lasting solution to excess skin and fat in the arm area.

  • Combination with Other Procedures: Can be combined with liposuction or other aesthetic procedures for enhanced results.

Cons of an Arm Lift (Brachioplasty):

  • Scarring: A significant downside is the potential for visible scarring, although the scars are typically placed in inconspicuous locations such as the inner arm. Over time, with proper care, these scars can fade but may not disappear completely.

  • Surgical Risks: As with any surgery, there's a risk of complications such as infection, bleeding, anesthesia reactions, and blood clots.

  • Downtime: Recovery from an arm lift requires downtime, during which certain activities, especially those involving the arms, may be restricted.

  • Cost: Being an aesthetic procedure, arm lifts can be expensive and may not be covered by insurance.

  • Temporary Sensation Changes: Some patients might experience numbness or changes in arm sensation post-surgery, although this is generally temporary.

It's crucial for anyone considering an arm lift to discuss the procedure with a qualified plastic surgeon. This ensures a clear understanding of the potential risks and benefits, as well as setting realistic expectations regarding the outcome.

Someone might seek an Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) for several reasons:

  • Significant Weight Loss: Individuals who have lost a substantial amount of weight often have excess, sagging skin on their upper arms. An arm lift can help remove this skin, giving the arms a more toned appearance.

  • Aging: As people age, the skin loses elasticity, which can lead to drooping or sagging. An arm lift can help counteract these effects by tightening and reshaping the arm area.

  • Boosted Self-Esteem: Sagging arms can be a source of self-consciousness for many. By seeking an arm lift, individuals might aim to feel more confident in their appearance, especially in clothing that exposes the arms.

  • Desire for a More Proportional Look: An arm lift can provide a more balanced and proportional look to the arms in relation to the rest of the body.

  • Dissatisfaction with Non-Surgical Interventions: Some might have tried non-surgical methods like exercise to tone the arms but found that they couldn't address the excess skin or achieve the desired results.

  • Improved Comfort: Large amounts of sagging skin can cause physical discomfort, chafing, or rashes, especially during physical activities. Removing this excess skin can lead to increased comfort.

Overall, the desire for an arm lift often stems from a combination of aesthetic goals and physical comfort. However, it's essential for individuals to consult with a qualified surgeon to ensure the procedure is right for them and to set realistic expectations.

Whether or not someone is a good candidate for an Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) depends on several factors. Generally, ideal candidates for this procedure:

  • Stable Weight: Individuals who have achieved and maintained a stable weight for a significant period. Those who are planning significant weight changes might be advised to wait, as further weight loss can introduce additional sagging skin.

  • Good Overall Health: As with any surgical procedure, it's essential to be in good health. This means no active infections, uncontrolled chronic conditions, or other health issues that might increase surgical risks.

  • Non-smokers: Smoking can impair the healing process, increase the risk of complications, and negatively affect the final results. If someone does smoke, they may need to quit for a period before and after the surgery.

  • Realistic Expectations: It's crucial to understand what the surgery can and cannot achieve. While an arm lift can significantly improve the appearance of the arms, there will be scars, and results vary between individuals.

  • No Medical Contraindications: Certain medical conditions or medications can affect the body's ability to heal or increase the risk of complications. It's essential to discuss any medical history with the surgeon.

  • Willingness to Follow Post-Operative Care: Recovery from an arm lift requires following specific care instructions, including activity restrictions. Being willing and able to adhere to these guidelines is crucial for the best results and to minimize complications.

  • Understanding the Risks: All surgeries come with inherent risks. It's important to understand and be comfortable with these risks before undergoing the procedure.

If considering an arm lift, it's essential to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon. They can provide a comprehensive evaluation and guide the decision based on individual needs, health status, and desired outcomes.

The Arm Lift, or Brachioplasty, procedure is performed to remove excess skin and fat from the upper arms, resulting in a more contoured and toned appearance. Here's a general overview of how the procedure is typically performed and its timeframe:

Procedure Steps:

1. Anesthesia: The patient is administered anesthesia for comfort during the surgical procedure. This could be general anesthesia or intravenous sedation, depending on the surgeon's recommendation and the extent of the procedure.

2. Incision: The surgeon makes an incision on the underside of the arm. The length and pattern of this incision depend on the amount and location of the excess skin to be removed. In cases with minimal excess skin, a smaller incision may be made in the armpit. For more extensive excess skin, the incision might extend from the elbow to the armpit and sometimes onto the side of the chest.

3. Removing Excess Skin and Fat: After making the incision, the surgeon tightens the underlying supportive tissues and reshapes the arm's contours. Excess skin is removed, and, in some cases, liposuction may be used to remove excess fat.

4. Closing the Incisions: The incisions are then sutured closed. Stitches may be absorbable or may need removal after a certain period. The surgeon might also place thin tubes to drain any accumulating fluid or blood postoperatively.

5. Dressings/Bandages: Once the procedure is complete, the arms are wrapped in bandages or dressings to minimize swelling and support the arm as it heals.


  • The actual Arm Lift procedure typically takes 1-3 hours, depending on the extent of the surgery and whether any additional procedures, like liposuction, are performed simultaneously.

  • After the surgery, there's a recovery period, during which patients might spend a short time in the hospital or surgical facility before being discharged. The initial recovery phase, where one might need assistance and should avoid significant activities, usually lasts for 1-2 weeks. However, complete healing and settling of the surgical results might take a few months.

It's crucial to note that individual experiences can vary, and the specific details and timeframe of the procedure will be determined by the surgeon based on the patient's unique needs and goals.

Recovery after an Arm Lift, or Brachioplasty, involves several stages, and the experience can vary based on the individual and the extent of the surgery. Here's a general overview of what one can expect during the recovery period:

1. Immediate Post-Operative Phase:

  • Discomfort/Pain: Some pain and discomfort are normal, which can be managed with prescribed pain medications.

  • Swelling and Bruising: The arms will likely be swollen and bruised initially. This is a typical post-operative response and should subside over the following weeks.

  • Drains: If the surgeon placed drainage tubes during surgery, these might need to be emptied regularly and will usually be removed within a few days to a week.

  • Bandages/Dressings: The surgical site will be covered with dressings or bandages to protect the incisions and support the arms.

2. First Few Weeks:

  • Arm Elevation: It's recommended to keep the arms elevated as much as possible to help reduce swelling.

  • Limited Mobility: Movement might be restricted, especially when it comes to lifting the arms or carrying heavy objects. This limitation helps protect the surgical site and promote healing.

  • Compression Garment: A compression garment or sleeve might be recommended to wear for several weeks. This helps reduce swelling and supports the reshaped arms during the healing process.

  • Stitches: If non-absorbable sutures were used, they'd typically be removed within 1-2 weeks post-operatively.

  • Activity Restrictions: Vigorous activities, heavy lifting, and exercises should be avoided initially. Light walking can be resumed shortly after surgery to promote blood circulation.

3. Longer-Term Recovery:

  • Scar Care: Scarring is a natural part of the healing process. Over time, with proper care, the scars will fade, becoming less noticeable. Using sunscreen, scar creams, or gels can aid in this process.

  • Physical Activity: Gradually, over weeks to months, one can return to regular activities and exercises, as advised by the surgeon.

  • Follow-up Appointments: Regular check-ups with the surgeon are essential to monitor the healing process, address any concerns, and ensure optimal results.

4. General Tips:

  • Hydration and Nutrition: Drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet can aid the healing process.

  • No Smoking: Smoking can impair healing, so it's essential to avoid it before and after surgery.

  • Follow Instructions: Always adhere to the post-operative care instructions provided by the surgeon to minimize complications and ensure the best possible outcome.

It's important to remember that individual recovery timelines and experiences can vary. The surgeon will provide specific guidelines based on the individual's unique circumstances and the specifics of the procedure.

Caring for the surgical site after an Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) is crucial for optimal healing and results. Here are some general guidelines for post-operative care:

1. Incision Care:

  • Keep the Incisions Clean: Follow your surgeon's instructions on how to clean the surgical site. Usually, you'll be advised to gently clean the area with mild soap and water after a certain period post-surgery.

  • Avoid Submerging: Do not soak the incisions in water, such as in a bathtub, swimming pool, or hot tub, until fully healed.

  • Topical Treatments: Apply any prescribed ointments, creams, or gels to the incision area as directed by your surgeon.

2. Dressings and Bandages:

  • Change Dressings: If instructed, change the dressings regularly to keep the site clean and free from infection.

  • Compression Garment: Wear any provided compression garment or sleeve as directed. It helps reduce swelling and supports the healing tissues.

3. Drainage Tubes:

  • If drainage tubes were placed during surgery, ensure they are kept clean and follow the surgeon's instructions on emptying and caring for them.

  • Record the amount of fluid being drained, as your surgeon may want this information during follow-up visits.

  • The tubes will usually be removed within a few days to a week after surgery.

4. Monitoring for Infection:

  • Regularly check the surgical site for signs of infection, including increased redness, warmth, swelling, pus, or a foul odor.

  • Monitor your temperature. A persistent fever might indicate an infection.

  • Inform your surgeon immediately if you suspect an infection or if there are any unexpected changes at the surgical site.

5. Scar Care:

  • Once the incisions have fully healed, consider using silicone gel sheets or scar creams to improve the appearance of scars.

  • Protect the scars from direct sunlight, as sun exposure can darken them. Use sunscreen or protective clothing if the scars are exposed.

6. Hydration and Nutrition:

  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, which aids in the healing process.

  • Consume a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C and zinc, to support wound healing.

7. Avoid Smoking:

  • Smoking can significantly impair wound healing and increase the risk of complications. It's crucial to abstain from smoking both before and after the surgery.

8. Follow-up Appointments:

  • Attend all scheduled post-operative appointments, so your surgeon can monitor your healing progress, address any concerns, and provide further care instructions.

Always remember to follow your surgeon's specific post-operative care instructions closely. They will provide guidelines tailored to your individual procedure and needs.

Turkey has emerged as a prominent destination for medical tourism primarily due to its cost-effective healthcare services. The country can offer competitive prices because of lower labor and operational costs, favorable currency exchange rates, and a concerted effort by the government to promote medical tourism. Furthermore, Turkey's geographical location bridges Europe and Asia, allowing access to both markets, which has spurred investment in state-of-the-art medical facilities to attract international patients.

An Arm Lift procedure in Turkey typically ranges between $2,000 to $4,500. In contrast, Western European countries charge approximately $5,000 to $8,000 for the same procedure. Meanwhile, in the USA, the cost is even higher, averaging between $6,000 to $12,000 or more. These differences highlight Turkey's appeal as a cost-effective option for medical procedures, without compromising on quality or standards, especially when paired with the nation's rich cultural and natural attractions.

1. Expertise and Accreditation: Elara Medical Tourism collaborates with top-tier surgeons and hospitals in Turkey that are internationally accredited. Our medical professionals possess extensive experience and a proven track record in arm lift procedures, ensuring you receive the best care possible.

2. Comprehensive Care: From your initial consultation to post-operative care, Elara offers a seamless and holistic medical journey. Our team ensures every detail, including transportation, accommodation, and recovery, is meticulously planned for your comfort and peace of mind.

3. Affordability Without Compromise: While we pride ourselves on offering competitive prices, we never compromise on quality. Our patients receive world-class care at a fraction of the cost they would incur in Western Europe or the USA.

4. Cultural Experience: Turkey is not just a medical destination but a cultural hub with rich history and attractions. With Elara, your medical trip can also become a memorable vacation. Our team can guide you through Turkey's wonders, ensuring you experience the best of our hospitality and heritage.

5. Personalized Service: At Elara, we understand that every patient is unique. We provide tailor-made solutions, ensuring that your specific needs and preferences are met. Our dedicated patient coordinators are available round-the-clock to assist and support you throughout your journey.

6. Transparent and Ethical: We uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency. With no hidden charges or unexpected fees, you can trust Elara to provide honest and straightforward services.

By choosing Elara Medical Tourism for your arm lift in Turkey, you're not only investing in a transformative medical procedure but also a holistic experience that prioritizes your health, comfort, and satisfaction.

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